
When it comes to namespaces, there is only one thing I’d like to get out right away:

  • Avoid using namespace

Ok, that’s too extreme and deliberately ambiguous. More practical suggestions would be:

  • Keep using namespace as local as possible
    • Only write using namespace in function scopes
    • Only write using namespace in .cpp files

A lot of the headaches can be avoided this way.

Why avoid using namespace

If namespaces are designed to separate unrelated entities from each other, then using namespace defeats that purpose. Introducing all names from one namespace to another mixes things up, worse if done so in a public header. using namespace is akin to from xxx import * in Python, which is also considered a bad practice in that language.

Of course, as with almost everything in C++, there are exceptions. One of the justified use of using namespace is std::literals, to make use of literal suffix:

#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

using namespace std::literals;

auto dur = 5us;               // dur is std::chrono::microseconds
auto str = "hello, world"s;   // str is std::string
auto svw = "hello, world"sv;  // svw is std::string_view  

But really, that’s the only exception I can think of.

Still, typing long names is undesired. Just think about std::ranges::transform, std::filesystem::path, and std::chrono::system_clock. I totally agree, and that’s why we have Namespace aliases:

namespace ranges = std::ranges;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace sc = std::chrono;
  • Note: using std::ranges; doesn’t work, nor does using ranges = std::ranges;. You have to do namespace ranges = std::ranges;

or even just using-declaration that introduces names one-at-a-time:

using std::chrono::system_clock;

These options are considered better than plain using namespace because we have a lot more control of what we import into our namespace.

  • In the first case with namespace aliases, we’re not really introducing anything; we still need to write the namespace to get what’s inside (e.g. fs::path), just shorter.
  • In the latter case with using-declaration, we say explicitly what we want.

In comparison, using namespace is a wildcard; there’s no control at the client/import site of what actually gets in.

Back to Basics

From cppreference:

Namespaces provide a method for preventing name conflicts in large projects.

In languages without namespace such as C, prefix is commonly used to prevent name conflicts, usually in the form of <library_name>_<function_name>:

// zlib
gzFile gzopen(const char *path, const char *mode);
int gzread(gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len);
int gzclose(gzFile file);

// libzip
zip_file_t *zip_fopen(zip_t *archive, const char *fname, zip_flags_t flags);
int zip_fclose(zip_file_t *file);
zip_int64_t zip_fread(zip_file_t *file, void *buf, zip_uint64_t nbytes);

If C had namespaces, those projects’ API would probably look like:

namespace gz {
    gzFile open(const char *path, const char *mode);
    int read(gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len);
    int close(gzFile file);

namespace zip {
    zip_file_t *fopen(zip_t *archive, const char *fname, zip_flags_t flags);
    int fclose(zip_file_t *file);
    zip_int64_t fread(zip_file_t *file, void *buf, zip_uint64_t nbytes);

So namespaces can be thought of a way to “extract” the common prefix, making long names easier to manage. Whenever you have a bunch of functions/classes that share with same prefix/suffix, consider creating a new namespace (or a class) for them, if they seem to be functionally related.

Over time, namespace has evolved to be more than just a space of names. It serves as library boundary.

Which leads to:

The Namespaces & Interface Principle

Herb Sutter once said in Namespaces & Interface Principle:

If you put a class into a namespace, be sure to put all helper functions and operators into the same namespace too

What happens if you don’t?

Well, I didn’t back when I was learning STL, and wrote some code as follows:

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace my {

struct Person {
    int id;
    std::string name;

} // namespace my

// Outside namespace my
bool operator<(const my::Person& lhs, const my::Person& rhs) {
    return <;

int main() {
    std::vector<my::Person> people;
    std::sort(people.begin(), people.end());

The above code does not compile, and generates more than a hundred lines of error messages, quite daunting to the then-beginner me.

I remember digging through the errors and managed to find the most relevant line:

error: no match for 'operator<' (operand types are 'my::Person' and 'my::Person')
   69 |       { return *__it < __val; }

Oh compiler, but what do you mean? I clearly defined operator< for my::Person; it’s right there!

To make it more confusing, plain < works just fine:

int main() {
    my::Person a, b;
    if (a < b)  // Ok

After some trial and error, I found a fix - put operator< under the same namespace as where Person is defined:

namespace my {

struct Person {
    int id;
    std::string name;

// Now in the same namespace as Person
bool operator<(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs) {
    return <;

} // namespace my

And suddenly everything compiles and works.

  • I didn’t understand the why until this post was published and received this reply from reddit.

The compiler error message only suggests that the operator< defined in the global namespace isn’t being considered a candidate at all. But why? Is it because sort is under namespace std so it doesn’t look at the outer global namespace? That doesn’t seem to be the case because this works:

namespace your { // unrelated namespace
    bool less(const my::Person& lhs, const my::Person& rhs) {
        return lhs < rhs;

int main() {
    my::Person a, b;
    your::less(a, b); // Ok

My takeaway is: C++ is hard.

Ok, the real takeaway is, Herb’s advice again:

If you put a class into a namespace, be sure to put all helper functions and operators into the same namespace too

But really, there are more compelling examples in Herb’s post that lead to the same conclusion. The above advice really saves you a lot of headache.

Namespace and Project Structure

Namespaces can be nested, as can directories. I like to match namespace hierarchy with file system hierarchy for consistency.

Suppose the source file layout is:

└── include
    └── library_name
        ├── core.hpp
        ├── detail
        │   └── helper.hpp
        └── module_name_1
            └── core.hpp

Then include/library_name/core.hpp would be

namespace library_name {

And include/library_name/detail/helper.hpp would be

namespace library_name::detail {

And include/library_name/module_name_1/core.hpp would be

namespace library_name::module_name_1 {

You get the idea: each layer of directory introduces a layer of namespace with the same name.

Other source files, including unittest, can be organized similarly:

└── library_name
    ├── core.cpp
    ├── detail
    │   └── helper.hpp
    └── module_name_1
        └── core.cpp
  • Private header library_name/detail/helper.hpp can be put under src/ instead of include/, to be separated from public headers.

inline namespaces

Namespaces can provide multi-versioning within a library. This is useful when multiple versions of the same entities need to co-exist in the same codebase.

For example:

namespace gem {
    namespace v1 {
        struct Point {
            int x;
            int y;
    namespace v2 {
        struct Point {
            int y; // y goes first in v2
            int x;

Now, suppose we want to select one of the sub-namespace v1 as the primary one, so that gem::XXX means gem::v1::XXX. One way to do it is using namespace:

namespace gem {
    namespace v1 {
    namespace v2 {
    using namespace v1; // pull everything under v1 out

The other way is to use inline namespace

namespace gem {
    inline namespace v1 {
    namespace v2 {

In either way, gem::Point will refer to gem::v1::Point.

What’s the difference? Before C++11, you cannot specialize a class template outside its namespace:

namespace gem {
    namespace nested {
        template <class T> struct bar_traits;
    using namespace nested;

template <>
struct gem::bar_traits<int> {}; // Error

With inline namespace, you can.

There may be some other arcane name-lookup difference, but the recommendation stays:

  • Prefer inline namespace over using namespace for library multi-versioning.


From Zen of Python:

Namespaces are one honking great idea – let’s do more of those!