
Consider the following code:

struct Point { int x, y; };

void foo(unsigned char* buf, size_t len) {
    assert(len == sizeof(Point));
    Point* p = reinterpret_cast<Point*>(buf);
    if (p->x == 0) {
        // ...

foo gets a sequence of bytes, probably over the network or from disk; it wants to interpret these bytes as an object of some POD type Point.

I believe many have written code similar to above; I know I have. And there’s nothing wrong with it.

… Except the C++ standard says the code has undefined behavior. And it has everything to do with object lifetime.

But Why?

First thing first, what’s the problem with the introduction code?

The short answer is: there is no Point object living in [buf, buf + len), yet foo attempts to access one as if there was.

This is similar to the “use-after-free” error (except the other way around), in that the underlying problem is the same - accessing an object outside its lifetime.

Ok, how do we fix it?

One way is to copy the bytes out:

void foo(unsigned char* buf, size_t len) {
    assert(len == sizeof(Point));
    Point point;                    // a Point is created
    std::memcpy(&point, buf, len);
    if (point.x == 0) {             // Ok
        // ...

But this involves extra copying, so it is not optimal. For small struct like Point, this copying doesn’t matter; in real use cases, the struct may be much bigger, and one may skip processing by just looking at a few bytes at the start (e.g., checking message header and skip uninterested types).

Is there an way to do this without copying? In other words, can we create a Point in-place?

The answer is yes, with std::start_lifetime_as:

void foo(unsigned char* buf, size_t len) {
    assert(len == sizeof(Point));
    Point* p = std::start_lifetime_as<Point>(buf);
    if (p->x == 0) {
        // ...

std::start_lifetime_as is one of the new tools that allows explicit lifetime management, which is a fancy way of saying “messing with lifetime”.

Let’s investigate.

What does new do?

A classic question is: what is the difference between new and malloc in C++?

The textbook answer goes like: new calls the constructor, while malloc does not. “new = malloc + constructor” has been my mental model for a long time.

Only recently did I find out that there is a third thing that new does: new starts the lifetime of the object it constructs. This act runs no code; instead it updates the compiler’s bookkeeping.

So, my new mental model is: new does three things, in this order:

  1. Allocate storage
  2. Call constructor
  3. Start lifetime

Of course, there is placement new which does only 2 and 3. Nonetheless, all variations of new call constructor. In the introduction cast-bytes-as-POD use case, we don’t want to run constructor to reset the very data we’re supposed to read from!

And this is exactly the gap std::start_lifetime_as fills: it does only 3, Start lifetime.

Can this whole process be automatic?

std::start_lifetime_as solves the cast-bytes-as-POD use case, and it makes sense. But there is so much reinterpret_cast and C-style cast code in existence to perform the same task, and they don’t just suddenly become valid with -std=c++23. Effort must be spent to migrate those casts to std::start_lifetime_as case by case: not every reinterpret_cast is meant to start lifetime. Also, start_lifetime_as needs to be taught (even it’s easy to learn). The overall cost to the user base is not small.

Some may question: is using reinterpret_cast as it is today even a problem to begin with? Compilers have been generating the expected code for decades. They definitely recognize this pattern since it’s common enough.

The issue with reinterpret_cast is: it is overpower. It allows you to do many casts, some of which are dangerous:

void foo(unsigned char* buf, size_t len) {
    auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<std::string*>(buf);
    // random bytes are unlikely a valid std::string;
    // accessing through ptr is very dangerous,
    // especially if the bytes came from an untrusted source

At least std::start_lifetime_as requires that T is trivially-copyable, so it offers some guards compared to using raw reinterpret_cast.

Ok, how about making reinterpret_cast automatically perform start_lifetime_as, under the same constraint that T is trivially-copyable, so existing code would become valid without any change?


A reinterpret_cast<T*>(p) where

  • T is trivially-copyable;
  • p is char*, unsigned char*, or std::byte* (aka the blessed three), or any cv versions of them;
  • [p, p + sizeof(T)) is valid range

is equivalent to std::start_lifetime_as<T>(p) if there is no object within [p, p + sizeof(T)).


One obvious downside is, currently no cast of any sort starts lifetime, so this hypothetical power means some consistency is lost.

That aside, the real difficulty is: how can the compiler tell whether “there is no object within [p, p + sizeof(T))”? This problem is in general undecidable, since one can create objects conditionally or from another translation unit.

How about only allow const uses (reinterpret_cast<const T*>(p)), so that even there are objects in [p, p + sizeof(T)), their internals won’t meddled with? In other words, we just want a read-only view of the bytes as if they form a Point. Could it work?

I do not know.

I do believe that there are cleverer people who could come up with wordings to make reinterpret_cast just work in this case. Again, it already works in practice!

Some Random Thoughts

In general, there are three things when it comes to a piece of C++ code:

  1. What the standard says should happen
  2. What the users think will happen
  3. What actually happens (i.e., what the compilers do)

And the overall situation is more or less “democratic”:

  • If 1 and 2 agree but not 3, then it’s a compiler bug and should be fixed
  • If 1 and 3 agree but not 2, then the user should correct their understanding

But what if 2 and 3 agree but not 1? Maybe it’s a flaw in the standard?

The case presented in this post, falls into this category. As does the usage of malloc before P0593: accessing an object through the pointer returned by malloc (and mmap and …) had been UB, but in practice malloc has been working since 1970s:

struct X { int a, b; };
X *make_x() {
    X *p = (X*)malloc(sizeof(struct X));
    p->a = 1;  // before P0593: UB, no X lives at p
    p->b = 2;  // before P0593: UB, no X lives at p
    return p;

P0593 solves the issue by giving malloc and a few other functions special powers so they won’t run into lifetime issues. This is the right approach, as you really can’t expect everyone to change their malloc to

X *p = std::start_lifetime_as<X>( malloc(sizeof(struct X)) );

even though the above would work without special-casing malloc and others.

Alas, when it comes to user-provided storage, be it custom memory allocators or the casting-bytes-to-POD use case outlined in this post, every use case must be coated with start_lifetime_as. P0593 explicitly says so:

Note that a pointer reinterpret_cast is not considered sufficient to trigger implicit object creation.

I only wish it was.


Lifetime is a very complex topic, but at the same time it is so fundamental to the language that it involves everyone. As an average user, there is quite a lot to learn if we want to write both standard-conforming and maximally performant code. Hopefully, the future version of C++ will make writing such code more accessible.

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